


Dr. Wang’s research interest includes MR image reconstruction including parallel MRI, signal processing for BOLD fMRI and ASL perfusion fMRI, imaging in age-related diseases and drug addictions. His work in parallel MRI has been a standard way for data reconstruction in the k-space when Cartesian sampling is used. He has developed several methods for processing ASL perfusion MRI data, based on which he has developed a Matlab (Mathwork, MA) based arterial spin labeling (ASL) data processing toolkit, which can be also adapted for BOLD fMRI data analysis. This toolkit is now freely available to the research community and is used by many groups across the world. In collaborations with Drs. Marta Vidorreta, Maria Fernandez-Seara and other colleagues, he has implemented a 3D Fast Spin Echo sprial readout based background suppressed pseudo-CASL sequence. In fMRI signal processing, Dr. Wang has developed several model-free methods including a recently published fMRI-based brain entropy mapping method. In structrual imaging analysis, his group has developed multi-variate lesion-symptom mapping methods using partial least square and support vector regression. He has published 65 journal papers with >1500 citations.


Ph.D from the Department of Biomedical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, July, 2003.
Bachelor from the Department of Precion Instruments, Hefei University of Technology, July, 1995. 

Nominee Award for China National Top 100 Excellent Ph.D Thesis 2005 (the 2nd place in the category of  biomedical engineering).
Shanghai 2005 excellent Ph.D thesis Award.

Review career

Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 

Neural Computation,     
Pattern Recognition,      
Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine,      
Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part B: Magnetic Resonance Engineering,
Human Brain Mapping,      
Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism,   
Drug and Alcohol Dependence,

PLoS One,
Journal of Neuroscience Methods,

Magnetic Resonance Imaging,

Journal of the Neurological Sciences,

NMR in Biomedicine,


Cerebral Cortex,
Annual meetings of ISMRM,  Human Brain Mapping.

Editorial board

Editorial board of the Open Medical Imaging Journal,

Magnetic Resonance Insights,
Journal of Alzheimer's Disease.