Book Chapter

Blind signal processing: theory and applications, Chapter 10, Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press (2008).


Selected Papers from over 62:


Yongsheng Zhang, D Kimberg, B.H. Coslett, M. Schwartz, Ze Wang*, Multivariate Lesion-Symptom Mapping Using Support Vector Regression, Human Brain Mapping, 35(12), 2014.(*corresponding author)

Ze Wang*, Yin Li, Anna Rose Childress, John A Detre, Brain Entropy Mapping using fMRI PloS One, 9(3): e89948, 2014 (DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0089948). (*corresponding author).

Ze Wang*, Support Vector Machine Learning-based Cerebral Blood Flow Quantification for Arterial Spin Labeling MRI, Human Brain Mapping, 35(7):2869-75, 2014.

Ze Wang*, Sandhitsu R. Das, Sharon X. Xie, Steven E. Arnold, John A. Detre, David A. Wolk, for the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative, Arterial Spin Labeled MRI in Prodromal Alzheimer’s Disease: A Multi-Site Study, Neuroimage: clinical, 2013, 2, 630–636. (*corresponding author).

Marta Vidorreta+, Ze Wang+, Ignacio Rodríguez, María A. Pastor, John A. Detre and María A. Fernández-Seara, Comparison of 2D and 3D single-shot ASL perfusion fMRI sequences, NeuroImage, 66(1): 662-671, 2013. (+contributed euqally).

Ze Wang, Improving Cerebral Blood Flow Quantification for Arterial Spin Labeled Perfusion MRI by Removing Residual Motion Artifacts and Global Signal Fluctuations Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 29 (9):1288-303, 2011.

Zhengjun Li, Yisheng Zhu, Anna Rose Childress, John A Detre, Ze Wang*, Relations between BOLD fMRI-Derived Resting Brain Activity and Cerebral Blood Flow. PLoS ONE , 2012, 7(9): e44556. (*corresponding author)

Zhengjun Li, Aniseh Kadivar, John Pluta, John Dunlop, Anna R. Childress, Ze Wang*, Test-retest stability analysis of resting brain activity revealed by blood oxygen level-dependent functional MRI, Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 2012, 36(2):344-54. (*corresponding author)

Ze Wang, Fixed-point Algorithms for Constrained ICA and their Applications in fMRI Data Analysis. Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 29 (9):1288-303, 2011.

Teresa R. Franklin, Ze Wang, Jesse J. Suh, Rebecca Hazan, Jeffrey Cruz, Yin Li, Marina Goldman, John A. Detre, Charles P. O¹Brien, and Anna Rose Childress, Effects of Varenicline on Smoking Cue-Triggered Neural and Craving Responses, Arch Gen Psychiatry, 68(5), 516-26, 2011.

William T. Hu*, Ze Wang, Virginia M.-Y. Lee, John Q. Trojanowski, John Detre, Murray Grossman, Distinct Cerebral Perfusion Patterns in FTLD and AD,   Neurology , 2010 Sep 7;75(10):881-8. (*contributed equally).

Ze Wang, A Hybrid SVM-GLM Approach for fMRI Data Analysis, NeuroImage, 46(3):608-15, 2009.

Ze Wang, Dawn Mechanic-Hamilton, John Pluta, Simon Glynn, John A. Detre, Function Lateralization via Measuring Coherence Laterality, NeuroImage, 47: 281288, 2009.

Ze Wang, Geoffrey Aguirre, Hengyi Rao, JiongJ Wang, Anna R. Childress, John A. Detre, Empirical optimization of ASL data analysis using an ASL data processing toolbox: ASLtbx, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 2008, 26(2):261-9.

Ze Wang, María Fernández-Seara, David C. Alsop, Wen-Ching Liu, Judy F. Flax, April A. Benasich, and John A. Detre. Assessment of Functional Development in Normal Infant Brain using Arterial Spin Labeled Perfusion MRI, NeuroImage, 2008, 39(3):973-8.

Ze Wang, Riju Ray, Myles Faith, Kathy Tang, E. Paul Wileyto, John A. Detre, and Caryn Lerman. Nicotine Abstinence-induced Cerebral Blood Flow Changes by Genotype, Neuroscience Letters, 2008 438(3):275-80.

Teresa R. Franklin, Ze Wang,  Jiongjiong Wang, Nathan Sciortino, Derek Harper, Yin Li, Kyle Kampman, Charles P. O’Brien, John A. Detre, Anna Rose Childress, Limbic Activation to Cigarette Smoking Cues Independent of Nicotine Withdrawal:  A CASL perfusion fMRI study, Neuropsychopharmocology, 32(11):2301-9, 2007.

Ze Wang, Anna R. Childress, Jiongjiong Wang, John A. Detre, Support Vector Machine Learning-based fMRI Data Group Analysis, NeuroImage, 2007, 36(4):1139-1151.

Ze Wang, Myles Faith, Kia Kerrin, Kathy Tang, E. Paul Wileyto, Freda Patterson, John Detre, and Caryn Lerman. Neural substrates of abstinence-induced cigarette cravings in chronic smokers, The journal of Neuroscience,2007, 27(51):14035-40.

Ze Wang, Jiongjiong Wang, John A. Detre, Improved Data Reconstruction Method for GRAPPA, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 54(3):738-42, 2005.

Ze Wang, Jiongjiong Wang, Thomas J. Connick, Gabriel S. Wetmore, John A. Detre, Continuous ASL Perfusion MRI with An Array coil and Parallel Imaging at 3T, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 54(3):732-7, 2005.

Ze Wang, Maria A Fernandez-Seara, 2D Partially Parallel Imaging with k-space Surrounding Neighbors based Data Reconstruction. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 56(6),1389-1396, 2006.

Ze Wang, Chi-Sing Leung, T.T. Wong, and Y.S. Zhu, Eigen-image based compression for the image-based relighting with cascade recursive least squared networks, Pattern Recognition, 37/6 pp. 1219-1231, 2004.

Ze Wang, Chi-Sing Leung, T.T. Wong, and Y.S. Zhu. Data compression with spherical wavelets and wavelets for the image-based relighting. Computer Vision and Image Understanding, Vol. 96, Issue 3, pp. 327-344, 2004.