Brain Entropy Mapping Toolbox: BENtbx (manual in pdf)

This toolkit is built for mapping brain entropy using fMRI. It uses several fuctions from ASLtbx.. We are now only releasing the packaged BENtbx through the GPL license. All correspondence can be addressed to: Ze Wang through (zewang at mail dot med dot upenn dot edu)

This toolkit is distributed "AS IS". This is no warranty to the accuracy of the package, and we are not responsible for any data interpretations or quality judgements though academic discussions are welcome, depending on how much free time we have. Please check this webpage for updates. We will unlikely send emails out unless there are significant changes.



BENtbx and the sample data provided in this website are free for academic use. The current version of BENtbx is based on Matlab 5.3 and above versions (MathWorks Inc, Natick MA) and SPM8 (The Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging at University College London). It's basically a collection of batch scripts, implementing a pipeline for processing fMRI data in order to get Sample entropy for each voxel. Some details about the fMRI-based brain entropy mapping can be found in the following reference, which should also be the appropriate citation for this toolbox:

1. Wang Z, Li Y, Childress AR, Detre JA (2014) Brain Entropy Mapping Using fMRI. PLoS ONE 9(3): e89948. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0089948

several related abstracts can be found here:
1. Wang Z (2012) Characterizing Resting Brain Information using Voxel-based Brain Information Mapping (BIM). 2012 Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping. Beijing, China.
2. Wang Z (2012) Stable and Self-Organized Entropy in the Resting Brain. The Third Biennial Conference on Resting State Brain Connectivity. Magdeburg, Germany. pp. 208.
3. Ze Wang, Marcus Raichle, Anna Rose Childress, and John A Detre (2013) Mapping brain entropy using resting state fMRI. 2013 Annual Meeting of International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. Salt Lake City, USA. pp. 4861.
4. Ze Wang, Y Li, Z Singer, R Ehrman, A. V Hole, C. P O'Brien, Anna Rose Childress (2013) Human brain entropy mapping using thousands of subjects and its application in a drug addiction study. 2013 Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience. San Diego. pp. 7491.

"UPDATE" made on Jan 14 2017: a SPM12 version released in the rar file: BENtbx2.rar.



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   BENtbx has been downloaded 1096 times since May 2014.



All correspondence should be addressed to zewang at mail dot med dot upenn dot edu or redhatw at gmail dot com.