Currently, we are providing the matlab code Perf_reconstruct_V02.m for analysing ASL data (sample image)based on SPM99 and MATLAB(5.3 or above) on Redhat Linux 9 or Windows2000.  (click link to download code and ReadMe files)
The goal of this MATLAB function is to reconstruct the perfusion and CBF images from EPI images by the subtraction between labelled images and control images.
  We suggest statistically analyse the CBF data in a way like this (for single subject):  
  1. Collect the data and tranform all data to SPM ANALYZE format;

2. Realign all EPI images;

3. Set the origin of anatomical T1 image and EPI images;

4. Coregister realigned EPI images to anatomical T1 image;

5. Smooth the coregistered EPI images
   (smooth can also be done after run the Perf_reconstruct_V02.m and normalization of CBF    images)

6. run Perf_reconstruct_V02.m, threshold the EPI images and reconstruct Bold, Perf and    quantified CBF images;

7. normalize the anatomical T1 images, write normalized the CBF images;

8. specify the design matrix for the analysis of CBF images;
    Attention: Convolve with HRF - "no"

9. estimate the specified fmri model and get the result
    Attention:       High-pass filter? - "none"
                          Low-pass filter? - "none"
    Attention:       one spm file, spm_fmri_spm_ui.m, should be modified
                         (right-click to download the modified spm_fmri_spm_ui.m file)
                         Mask Brain? - "no"

  Please contact the auhor, Hengyi Rao, Ph.D. (, for questions and bug reports.