** [[:start|Back To Main Page]] ** =====Common Errors and Messages===== ====Network & VPN Issue==== Issues with the UPHS network and VPN are handled by the [[accounts_and_vpn#getting_help_for_uphs_network_accounts_and_vpn|UPHS Service Desk]] ====No Submit Host==== denied: host "compute-0-6.local" is no submit host This means you tried to run ''qsub'' from a ''qlogin'' session or ''qsub'' job. This should work, so please tell the admins about the error. ==== ITK_GLOBAL_DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_THREADS Warning ==== You may see this warning message with a qsub submission: === WARNING === The variable ITK_GLOBAL_DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_THREADS is set in your environment to , and you used the qsub -V argument. However, the CfN-cluster login script will assign ITK_GLOBAL_DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_THREADS to match the number of slots you have requested (i.e. NSLOTS var). Ignoring your value for ITK_GLOBAL_DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_THREAD. Please contact the admin with questions. =============== You can generally ignore this. The environment variable (env var) ITK_GLOBAL_DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_THREADS is used by ITK-based apps like ANTs, ITK-SNAP. Your script is setting this variable to a value of 1, which means ITK apps will be single-threaded, //and// it's calling qsub with the -V option which exports your env vars to the qsub job. But the cluster is setup for qsub so it automatically sets the ITK_GLOBAL_DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_THREADS variable depending on how many slots you've requested for your job. So this message is saying the value for ITK_GLOBAL_DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_THREADS that your script has set is being unset, i.e. ignored, so that the value can be reset using the number of slots you've requested. If you want to get rid of this warning, you'll need to examine your job script and remove the definition of ITK_GLOBAL_DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_THREADS. We don't suggest removing the -V from the call to qsub unless you know for sure that qsub doesn't need other env vars to be passed to it. ==== x2go Session Create/Resume Errors ==== See [[x2go_remote_desktop#troubleshooting|the x2go page]]. ==== GUI Windows / X11 / GLX errors ==== If you have trouble with graphical applications (GUI) X11 issues, for example an error that includes ''GLXBadContext'', see [[logging_in#graphical_gui_applications_-_x11_xwindows|this page.]] On **Windows**, you might try the MobaXterm app mentioned on the above page. On **Mac**, see the notes on XQuartz versions on the above page.