Publicly available data and stimuli
We aim to provide the stimuli and processed data from our published studies. We are still catching up; please write if there are data or stimuli not yet posted that you would like to access.
| Stimulus set | Publications |
 | Linear face morphs derived from the NimStim Face Stimulus Set | DA Kahn, AM Harris, DA Wolk, GK Aguirre. (2010) Temporally distinct neural coding of perceptual similarity and prototype bias. Journal of Vision, 10(10):12, 1-12. |
| Computer generated faces rated for attractiveness | A Chatterjee, A Thomas, S Smith, GK Aguirre. (2009) The Neural Response to Facial Beauty. Neuropsychology. 23(2), 135-43. |
| Computer generated face stimuli (and administration tools) for the PFPB, a battery of face perception tests | AL Thomas, K Lawler, IR Olson, GK Aguirre. (2008) The Philadelphia Face Perception Battery. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 23(2), 175-187. |
| Radial Frequency Contours | DM Drucker, GK Aguirre. (2009) Different spatial scales of shape similarity representation in lateral and ventral LOC. Cerebral Cortex, 19(10), 2269-2280.
DM Drucker, WT Kerr, GK Aguirre. (2009) Distinguishing conjoint and independent neural tuning for stimulus features with fMRI adaptation. Journal of Neurophysiology. June;101(6):3310-24 |
| A stereoscopic depth manipulation to modulate amodal completion | Harris, GK Aguirre. (2008) The Effects of Parts, Wholes, and Familiarity on Face-Selective Responses in MEG. Journal of Vision, 8(10), 1-12.
A Harris, GK Aguirre. (2008) The Representation of Parts and Wholes in Face-Selective Cortex. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 20(5), 863-78. |
Data by Publication Title
public/public_stimuli_and_data.txt · Last modified: 2015/02/26 23:05 by aguirreg